I finally got to watch the blockbuster movie Crazy Rich Asians, I was prolly the last person in Lagos to see this movie,So I binge watched this movie over the weekend and by Monday morning, everybody I mean every dude (including Lastma officers) was starting to look like Henry Golding (the hunky leading man) in my eyes. Being a movie buff I can't really tell why I waited this long to see this movie that was released in the summer of 2018, my most likely guess will be probably because of the alternate casting as I rarely do Asian movies. Now folks, I would like to state that I saw this movie for the first time in the morning and I wasn't under any influence (not even the lagos fierce sun) meaning that since I watched this movie with "clear eyes" you might want to take my opinion about this well written and well produced movie seriously. Well just saying.... Crazy Rich Asians is a zesty rom-com adaptation of Kevin Kwan 's bestseller book "Asians" ...