
Happy birthday daddy. I'm sure 70 would have looked great on you.We still ache because the pang your death left in our hearts is still raw.We don't know how to heal but we are trying our best to learn how to live with the pain as time and self understanding helps numb the pain. One of my fondest memories of my dad was he introducing me to astronomy and planetology. He was such a consummate story teller, one of the finest orators that ever lived. His stories were well prepared and relayed with so much passion,crafted with so much creativity that they transported me to other planets. His voice activated my imagination and it exploded. His stories nurtured and fed my imagination. I didn't think there was any 7 yearold alive that was obsessed about the inner workings of the earth and the other planets as I was. I literally knew how many moons each planets each had and as an introverted kid the Milky way and Asteroids were my playground.I remembered how I begged for ...