The Trials of Iyale ọokàn

When some folks in our estate decided to channel their inner aluta spirit rebelling against Nepotism, tyranny and oppression by IKEDC I was so sure this won't end well. Nepa on the other hand kuku returned the favor and removed the "fuse" from the transformer plunging the whole estate into darkness. Now for some inexplicable reasons, folks thought I must have studied Conflict resolution and Management at the University, as I have become the "Go-to" mediator /negotiator between Nepa officers and the estate residents . But little did they know that as an ogbologbo (seasoned) Doomsday Prepper I was boyscout -ready. I knew in my heart of heart that I didn't want to spend the whole summer stalking and begging Mr Clement from the Nepa office,so kiakia I packed my bags... Maputo yaa! (ain't nobody got time for that kind of sturv😉 ). I sincerely wished the Mandela wannabes" aluta continua" knowing fully well by that by the time l returned in ...