A twist in the Tale: Baba Ifeanyi 's story

Well..this may not qualify as a motivational tale but it is certainly a narration about pursuing your passion with tenacity. This is to simply celebrate DEDICATION (PERIODT!). When Baba Ifeanyi started his chemist business, he started pretty small and in no time prosperity began to beam on him. He started moving steadily up in his "pharmaceutical career" and in no time he started diversifying as he acquired a wine and liquor license. To expand his business "empire", Baba Ifeanyi even rented the second shop from his landlady to accommodate his "vineyard". He started stocking exotic beverages, Exotic o...I'm talking fruits flavoured dry gin, caramel flavoured rum and so on.Going by his pharmaceutical pedigree (abi repertoire ni?) We could have sworn he was mixing these spirits in his shop. The news of Baba Ifeanyi mixology aptitude spread far and beyond. His alcohol business thrived and in no time he phased out his chemist...