Black panther (My Wakanda waka)

The buzz that heralded the latest Marvel's installment Black Panther was on another level that even folks living under the rocks had synopsis of the movie. And in staying true to the Yoruba proverb that states that when you hear "carry it " carry it" you had better join in the carrying or else someone will dump it in your backyard. Bearing this in mind I decided not carry last ...well...hypothetically. My romance with Marvel Cinematic Universe Films started in 2008 with its release of Iron man and have since then watched every single marvel installments. So it is safe to say I'm a marvel aficionado. As a Marvel fan, each movie release was greeted with the same enthusiasm and when I saw Ellen Degeneres's interview /trailer with Chadwick Boseman and I saw a black man with "the chest" (ripped abs and well chiseled muscles) I knew immediately this was going to be a dope movie. So as soon as the movie hit the Nigerian cinema I was set to see it...